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Disk layout

Cloudron data and temporary/runtime data is sandboxed in /home/yellowtent . For the curious, yellowtent was the code name for Cloudron. The subdirectories are:

  • box - This contains the Cloudron code. The Cloudron code does not run as root.
  • boxdata - This contains data that is generated by the Cloudron code including certs. This also contains all user emails in the mail/vmail directory in the maildir format.
  • appsdata - This contains the data generated by each app. Each directory here corresponds to the application id.
  • platformdata - This contains 'runtime' data of the platform for mysql, postgres, mongodb, nginx.

boxdata, appsdata and platformdata are relocatable.

The other important locations on the server are:

  • /var/lib/docker - This contains docker images. This is relocatable.
  • /etc/nginx - These contains the reverse proxy configuration. It is not meant to be edited manually.
  • /apps.swap - This is a swap file that is dynamically resized by Cloudron. It will be no more than 4GB. You can resize this to any size after the initial setup. If you want to disable the swap altogether, just truncate the file to 0 size.

Docker images

Do not use a Cloudron Volume

Do not use a Cloudron Volume as storage location for Docker images. Set up fstab or systemd mount manually.

Cloudron uses Docker for containerizing applications and docker images tend to consume a lot of space. The docker images are stored by default at /var/lib/docker. They can be moved to an external storage as follows:

  • Stop docker and the box code:
systemctl stop docker box
systemctl mask docker
  • To change docker image location to say /mnt/docker by creating a systemd drop-in /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/custom.conf (sic) with the following contents:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --log-driver=journald --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs --storage-driver=overlay2 --data-root=/mnt/docker --experimental --ip6tables
  • Start docker
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl unmask docker
systemctl start docker
systemctl status docker
docker network create --subnet= --ip-range= --gateway cloudron --ipv6 --subnet=fd00:c107:d509::/64
  • Now edit the file /home/yellowtent/platformdata/INFRA_VERSION. Bump the version field carefully by only adjusting the last digit from 48.18.0 to 48.18.1. Do not change the other digits. This is just a way to inform the cloudron code that the infrastructure has changed and it has to re-create containers.

  • Reboot the server. This is required for the docker network to start working in many VPSes (for unknown reasons).

  • On reboot, addons and app images will be recreated preserving existing data. This can take a while. You can use tail -f /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/box.log to see the progress.

  • Finally, after everything is up, you can remove the old docker images

rm -rf /var/lib/docker

Docker image size

The du -hcs /var/lib/docker command will often return incorrect output with the overlay2 driver because of how du works. Use docker system df instead to determine the size

Docker storage driver

Cloudron apps are only tested using the overlay2 graph driver. Other storage drivers are not tested. In the past, we have seen some apps to not work correctly with storage drivers like devicemapper.

Default Data Directory

Do not use a Cloudron Volume

Do not use a Cloudron Volume as storage location for the directories below. Set up fstab or systemd mount manually.


While symlinking various directories will work, this is not supported. Instead, move the Data Directory of high storage consuming apps to an external volume.

Please make sure you have a complete backup before following the procedure below.

Apps store their data under /home/yellowtent/appsdata. Cloudron itself stores it's data (users, groups, certs, mails etc) under /home/yellowtent/boxdata.

If the server is running out of disk space, one or more of these directories can be moved to another ext4 disk/location as follows:

    systemctl stop box
    systemctl stop cloudron-syslog
    systemctl stop docker
    systemctl mask docker
    DATA_DIR="/var/data"  # this is the external disk location
    mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}"

    # (optional) move out apps data to the external disk
    mv /home/yellowtent/appsdata "${DATA_DIR}"
    ln -s "${DATA_DIR}/appsdata" /home/yellowtent/appsdata

    # (optional) move out box data to the external disk
    mv /home/yellowtent/boxdata "${DATA_DIR}"
    ln -s "${DATA_DIR}/boxdata" /home/yellowtent/boxdata

    # (optional) move out app database storage to the external disk
    mv /home/yellowtent/platformdata "${DATA_DIR}"
    ln -s "${DATA_DIR}/platformdata" /home/yellowtent/platformdata

    systemctl unmask docker
    systemctl start docker
    systemctl start cloudron-syslog
    systemctl start box

If the disk graph does not display properly, do a systemctl restart collectd.

Note: data directory must be an ext4 filesystem.

Server Resize

For VPS providers that support it, the server (cpu/disk/memory) can be resized and Cloudron will automatically adapt to the available resources after a server restart.

IP changes

Some VPS providers change the IP address of the virtual machine after a resize. You will have to change the IP address in your DNS, if this is the case.


On AWS, the partition and the filesystem must be resized after resizing the EBS volume. This can be done by following the AWS Guide.


To give the server more swap space, run the following commands:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/extra.swap bs=1024 count=2097152
chmod 600 /extra.swap
mkswap /extra.swap
swapon /extra.swap

To make sure the swap persists reboots, add a line in /etc/fstab:

/extra.swap  none  swap  sw  0 0