Home Server
Cloudron can be installed in a home network as long as the following prerequisites are met.
Public IPv4 / IPv6
If you require Cloudron to be accessible from outside your home, you need a public IPv4 or IPv6 address. This IP address does not need to be static. Post installation, you can use the Dynamic DNS feature to keep your DNS automatically up-to-date. You can visit this site to view your current public IP address.
If you do not require Cloudron to be accessible from outside your home, click on Advanced Settings
the Domain Setup UI. Then, choose Static IP
and provide the internal IP
of your server. If you decide to do this, you must use a Programmatic DNS provider (see below).
With an internal IP and no programmatic DNS, Cloudron will not be able to get certificates from Let's Encrypt.
DNS Provider
Cloudron supports a variety of DNS providers to automatically configure the DNS. When using one of the programmatic providers, Cloudron can get Let's Encrypt certificates using DNS automation.
If you decide not to use one of those providers and instead use Wildcard
or Manual
DNS, then you must also forward
port 80 from your router to the server. This is required to obtain Let's Encrypt certificates.
Self-signed certificates
We discourage use of Cloudron with self-signed certificates. The issue is not of security but of usability. Most mobile apps do not work with self-signed certificates. Users keep seeing nagging scary screens on their browsers and the overall user experience is poor.
Port Forwarding
If you require Cloudron to be accessible from outside the home network, you must port forward 443 in your router's firewall to the Cloudron server. See this site for router specific instructions on how to setup port forwarding.
Some apps use custom TCP ports (for git, p2p, etc). You need to set up port forwarding for those as well when you install the apps.
Port 443
Be sure to forward port 443 before you do the domain setup. Otherwise, you cannot reach the dashboard after the domain setup.
NAT Loopback
NAT loopback or Hairpinning is a feature of the router allowing internal services to access self or other services via the public IP. This feature allows an app on Cloudron to reach another app on Cloudron using the DNS name (which resolves to the public IP). This feature is crucial for OIDC login to work. Most modern routers support this.