Firewall: Automatic update of blocklists (that block IP ranges from certain countries)
Cloudron has a feature to block connections:
Using the blocklist configuration, one or more IP addresses and/or networks can be blocked from connecting to Cloudron.
Based on the discussion here, @imc67 came up with a great script to update such blocklists, whereas I only changed the script a little bit to meet my needs. Below you'll find the script with all comments to guide you through.
The basic idea:
- Save code as as script
- Modify blocklist urls to your liking
- Modify
with your values - run the script daily via
(for information on cron and crontab, see here). - The script pulls updated lists from and and
- uploads the blocklists to Cloudron's firewall via the API
Note: Blocking certain countries is only one small part of securing Cloudron but it can have a significant impact on the amount of spam and mail server abuse.
Note: If you block certain country IP ranges this way, it also means, you might not be able to receive mails from servers / vendors located in these countries! So blocking the US is probably a bad idea; if you do regular business e.g. with China, the same applies.
Improvements are welcome as there are certainly people out there with better bash skills!
# Save script in cd ~/urlfilter/, make executable, and run via cron e.g. daily, some time at night
# Variable for Current date and time
current_datetime=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
# Location of script and the blocklist archive
cd ~/urlfilter/
# Array containing the URLs of the IP lists and their descriptions
# The first two from are standard blocklists
# The next four are an example how to block connections from Afghanistan and Azerbaijan - first two are for IPv4 addresses, the next two for IPv6 addresses.
# In order to add countries, go to to find out the relevant country names and abbreviations and add URLs accordingly on this scheme:
# IPv4: "[ABBREVIATIONS, small caps],[ABBREVIATIONS, all caps] - [COUNTRY NAME]”
# IPv6: "[ABBREVIATIONS, small caps],[ABBREVIATIONS, all caps] - [COUNTRY NAME]”
# So for Brunei it would be:
# Abbreviation: bn / BN
# i.e. ",BN - Brunei Darussalam"
declare -a urls=(
",Spamhaus - Drop"
",Spamhaus - eDrop"
",AF - Afganistan"
",AZ - Azerbaijan"
",AF - Afganistan"
",AZ - Azerbaijan"
# File name with the current date and time
# Download and merge the IP lists
for url_info in "${urls[@]}"
# Splitting the URL information
IFS=',' read -r url description <<< "$url_info"
# Add comment with the URL and description
echo "# URL: $url" >> "$output_file"
echo "# Description: $description" >> "$output_file"
echo "Download IP list from $url"
# Download the IP list and add it to the file
curl -sS "$url" >> "$output_file"
echo "Merge completed! The merged list is stored in $output_file"
# Formatting the file for the Cloudron Blocklist API
# Add "\n" to the end of each line
awk '{printf "%s\\n",$0}' "$output_file" > "$formatted_file"
# Cloudron Blocklist API endpoint
# API Key for authentication (replace 'your-api-key' with your API key)
# Upload to Cloudron Blocklist API with wget
echo "# Upload to Cloudron Blocklist API with wget..."
# The data in the required format for the API
data="{\"blocklist\":\"$(cat "$formatted_file" | tr '\n' '\\n')\"}"
# Send the file with a POST request via wget
echo "$data"> temp_data.txt
curl -X POST "$cloudron_api_endpoint" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $api_key" \
--data-binary "@temp_data.txt" \
--verbose \
-o output.txt
# Delete temporary files
rm temp_data.txt
# Compress lists and create an archive of the last 10 updates
7z a -mx9 "${current_datetime}.7z" "formatted_$output_file"
rm "formatted_$output_file"
rm "$output_file"
ls -td *.7z | grep -v '/$' | tail -n +10 | while IFS= read -r f; do rm -f "$f"; done
- @necrevistonnezr
- @imc67