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Umami App


Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.

Admin password

To change the password of a user, open a Web Terminal:

root@b47ad085-8e41-4fcf-8b08-b7b78f83e15a:/app/code# export DATABASE_URL=${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_URL}
root@b47ad085-8e41-4fcf-8b08-b7b78f83e15a:/app/code# node scripts/change-password.js
 Enter account to change password  admin
 Enter new password  ******
 Confirm new password  ******
Password changed for user admin

Custom config

Custom configuration can be added to /app/data/ using the File manager.

Be sure to restart the app after adding any custom configuration.

Custom endpoint

To set a custom script name edit /app/data/ using the File manager:

export TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME=clickcounter

To set a custom API endpoint:

export COLLECT_API_ENDPOINT=/api/counter

Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.