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Surfer App


Surfer is a simple static file server.

Admin page

The web interface is available under the https://[appdomain]/_admin/ location.

Managing files

There are 4 ways to manage files in surfer:

Web interface

Files and folders can be uploaded via the web interface located at /_admin.

CLI Tool

The Surfer cli tool can be installed using npm.

npm -g install cloudron-surfer

Login using an API access token created in the surfer admin interface:

surfer config --server <this app's domain> --token

Put some files:

surfer put index.html favicon.ico /

Put a directory (the /* below means that the contents of build dir get copied into the root of surfer. Without it, a build directory will get created in the root of surfer).

surfer put build/* /

To get help:

$ surfer
Usage: surfer [options] [command]

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -h, --help                   display help for command

  login                        Set default server
  logout                       Unset default server
  config|configure [options]   Configure default server
  put [options] <file|dir...>  Uploads a list of files or dirs to the destination. The last argument is destination dir
  get [options] [file|dir]     Get a file or directory listing
  del [options] <file>         Delete a file or directory
  help [command]               display help for command


WebDAV is a well supported extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations. WebDAV shares can be mounted usually with your local file manager.

The URI schemes differ on the common platforms:

Platform URI
Windows https://[appdomain]/_webdav/
Mac https://[appdomain]/_webdav/
Gnome davs://[appdomain]/_webdav/
KDE webdavs://[appdomain]/_webdav/

WebDAV Access

For WebDAV authentication, create an access token for a user, using the surfer admin UI, and use the access token as the password.

On Linux the Davfs2 library can also be used to locally mount a share:

mount -t davfs https://[appdomain]/_webdav/ /mount/point


Files can be uploaded using an SFTP client like FileZilla. See SFTP access for login details.

SFTP Access

SFTP access for non-admin users can be granted using the access control UI.

Folder structure

By default, any index.html or index.htm file is served up. This file name can be changed in the Settings page.

If Public Folder Listing is enabled, the directory contents is listed, provided the directory has no index page.

If a 404.html is present in the root directory, it will be served up for missing pages.

Access Control

Access to the site can be controlled from the Settings page. There are 3 options:

  • Public (everyone) - anyone can view the site
  • Password restricted - anyone with a password can view the site
  • User restricted - only users with a Cloudron login can view the site

CI/CD integration

You can setup your CI/CD to automatically push static files to surfer using the CLI as follows:

  • First, create an Access Token in surfer from the Settings menu.

  • Install the surfer cli tool as part of the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Push the artifacts (dist/ in the example below):

surfer put --token api-7e6d90ff-5825-4ebe-a85b-a68795055955 --server dist/* /