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Superset App


Apache Superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform.

Demo data

Demo data is a great way to get to know how superset works. To import open the Web terminal into the app and run the following commands:

source /app/pkg/
superset fab create-admin --username admin --firstname Superset --lastname Admin --email admin@cloudron.local --password changeme
superset load_examples

Time and memory consuming

Demo data takes many minutes and a lot of memory to get fetched and imported. For this set the memory limit of the app at least to 2Gb

Custom Config

Custom configuration can be placed in /app/data/config/ For example:


Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.

User Role

The default role for a new user is administrator.

To change this, edit /app/data/config/ using the File manager and change AUTH_USER_REGISTRATION_ROLE. For example:


Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.