Rocket.Chat App
Rocket.Chat is a solution for communities and companies wanting to privately host their own chat service or for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platforms.
- Questions? Ask in the Cloudron Forum - Rocket.Chat
- Rocket.Chat Website
- Rocket.Chat issue tracker
Mobile Clients
Rocket.Chat mobile clients are available for most mobile platforms:
By default, is configured to store files using GridFS
. This stores attachments in the MongoDB database.
You can configure the File Upload storage in the Rocket.Chat administration -> Settings
-> Upload
To change it to the File system:
- First, create a directory using the Web terminal:
# mkdir -p /app/data/uploads
# chown cloudron:cloudron /app/data/uploads
- Then, set the above directory as the target for uploads:

Webhook Integrations
Webhook Integrations can be added in the Administration panel under Integrations
Rocket.Chat supports notifications from and to other apps or services through its webhook integrations.
Incoming notifications require a message body parsing code snippet, which transforms the incoming webhook to a readable message,
which will be posted into a selected chat channel.
Create a new Incoming WebHook Integration
and configure the destination channel and user, then enalbe a custom sript.
GitLab supports multiple types of webhook notifications and thus requires a more sophisticated transform script.
The below works for issue, comment, merge request, push and tag events:
/*jshint esnext:true*/
// see for full json posted by GitLab
const NOTIF_COLOR = '#6498CC';
class Script {
}) {
try {
switch (request.headers['x-gitlab-event']) {
case 'Push Hook':
return this.pushEvent(request.content);
case 'Merge Request Hook':
return this.mergeRequestEvents(request.content);
case 'Note Hook':
return this.commentEvent(request.content);
case 'Issue Hook':
return this.issueEvent(request.content);
case 'Tag Push Hook':
return this.tagEvent(request.content);
} catch (e) {
console.log('gitlabevent error', e);
return {
error: {
success: false,
message: e.message || e
issueEvent(data) {
return {
content: {
text: `${data.user.username} ${data.object_attributes.state} an issue _${data.object_attributes.title}_ on ${}. *Description:* ${data.object_attributes.description}. See: ${data.object_attributes.url}`,
icon_url: data.user.avatar_url
commentEvent(data) {
const comment = data.object_attributes;
const user = data.user;
let text;
if (data.merge_request) {
let mr = data.merge_request;
text = `${} commented on Merge Request #${} [${mr.title}](${comment.url})`;
} else if (data.commit) {
let commit = data.commit;
let message = commit.message.replace(/\n[^\s\S]+/, '...').replace(/\n$/, '');
text = `${} commented on commit [${, 8)} ${message}](${comment.url})`;
} else if (data.issue) {
let issue = data.issue;
text = `${} commented on issue [#${} ${issue.title}](${comment.url})`;
} else if (data.snippet) {
let snippet = data.snippet;
text = `${} commented on code snippet [#${} ${snippet.title}](${comment.url})`;
return {
content: {
username: 'gitlab/' +,
icon_url: data.project.avatar_url || user.avatar_url || '',
attachments: [{
text: comment.note,
mergeRequestEvent(data) {
const user = data.user;
const mr = data.object_attributes;
return {
content: {
username: `gitlab/${}`,
icon_url: || mr.source.avatar_url || user.avatar_url || '',
attachments: [{
title: `${} ${mr.action} Merge Request #${} ${mr.title}`,
title_link: mr.url,
text: `_${mr.source_branch} into ${mr.target_branch}_`,
pushEvent(data) {
const project = data.project;
return {
content: {
username: `gitlab/${}`,
text: ` ${data.user_name} pushed ${data.total_commits_count} commits to ${}. See: ${project.web_url}`,
icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
attachments: [{
title: data.total_commits_count + ' Commits',
title_link: project.web_url,
text: => ` - ${new Date(commit.timestamp).toUTCString()} [${, 8)}](${commit.url}) by ${}: ${commit.message.replace(/\s*$/, '')}`).join('\n'),
tagEvent(data) {
let tag = data.ref.replace(/^.*?([^\/]+)$/, '$1');
return {
content: {
username: `gitlab/${}`,
icon_url: data.project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
text: `${data.user_name} push tag [${tag} ${data.checkout_sha.slice(0, 8)}](${data.project.web_url}/tags/${tag})`
After the integration is setup, the Webhook URL and Secret Token is generated and can now be setup with the project in GitLab at Settings
-> Integrations
Webhook test
Triggering a test webhook from GitLab will likely result in an error, since the above transform script expects a body, which is not provided from GitLab while running a test call. A test has to be made with a real action on the repo.
Live Chat
Rocket.Chat has a live chat feature that allows you to embed a chat widget into your website.
Head over to Rocket.Chat app's Administration view, select the Livechat section and enable it. After this, you will find a Livechat
entry in the side bar.

You will also find options to customize the live chat widget appearance to match your look and feel there.
Then, copy the Javascript code snippet shown in the Livechat Installation view and paste it to the bottom of your website's html code as the last thing before the </body>
tag. WordPress users can use the Rocket.Chat LiveChat WordPress plugin instead.
You will now see the live chat widget on the bottom right of your page.
Reset Admin Password
If you lost the admin password, you can make an existing user an admin. Use the Web Terminal to open a MongoDB shell and run the following command:
db.users.update({username:'myusername'}, {$set: {'roles' : [ "admin" ]}});
Environment Variables
Custom environment variables can be set in /app/data/env
using the File Manager. Be sure to
restart the app after exporting variables.
Setting timezone
Timezone can be set adding export TZ=America/Brasilia
in /app/data/env
and restarting the app.