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ntfy App


ntfy lets you send push notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, using simple HTTP PUT or POST requests. I use it to notify myself when scripts fail, or long-running commands complete.

Custom config

Custom configuration can be set in /app/data/config/server.yml using the File manager.


To access the ntfy CLI, simply open a Web terminal and run ntfy:

root@89c61cad-e48d-4fce-bcc2-b82b3b1b8a69:/app/code# ntfy
   ntfy - Simple pub-sub notification service

   ntfy [OPTION..]


CLI configuration can be adjusted in /app/data/config/client.yml.

Access control

ntfy's access control mechanism can be used to configure authentication and authorization.

By default, Cloudron configures ntfy as a private instance. auth-default-access is set to deny-all.

Web interface

The web interface is open to all and can be used to send/receive notifications from one or more ntfy servers. Keeping the UI unprotected is harmless as it's purely a frontend application and one cannot send and receive notifications without authentication.

Change password

To change the password of a user, use the Web terminal:

# ntfy user change-pass admin
changed password for user admin

As note here, the web interface can send and receive notifications from one or more ntfy servers. Changing the password only changes the password in the backend. To change the password in the frontend, you have to enter the above password in Settings -> Manage Users.