NodeBB App
NodeBB is next generation forum software. It's powerful, mobile-ready and easy to use.
- Questions? Ask in the Cloudron Forum - NodeBB
- NodeBB Website
- NodeBB forum
- NodeBB issue tracker
Installing plugins
NodeBB admin dashboard offers a UI to install plugins and themes in their dashboard. However, some plugins/themes may need to be installed by hand. To do so, use the Web terminal:
cd /app/code
/usr/local/bin/gosu cloudron:cloudron yarn add nodebb-theme-timuu
After installation, restart the app and activate the plugin in the NodeBB dashboard.
Disabling plugins
The list of plugins can be viewed as follows:
cd /app/code
./nodebb plugins
Plugins can sometimes make NodeBB not start up. To fix this, first put the app in recovery mode. Then, open a Web Terminal:
cd /app/code
/app/pkg/ # this create and configures nodebb
./nodebb reset -p nodebb-plugin-pluginname