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Monica App


Monica helps you organize the social interactions with your loved ones.

Custom config

Custom config can be added to /app/data/env using the File manager.

Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.


By default, Monica is setup to be single user.

To enable user registration, open the File manager and add the following variable in /app/data/env:


Restart the app and the login page will show a sign-up link in the login page.

Mobile App

Mobile App Deprecated

The mobile app (Chandler) was deprecated by the upstream project.

To enable the mobile app, open the Web terminal and run the following command:

$ php artisan passport:client --password --name="MobileApp"
Password grant client created successfully.
Client ID: 8
Client Secret: Q1gM1DXaMUt8rdvU3MhC4dnxGrV2EdjnBfyj9Sjm

Now edit the file /app/data/env and search/edit the values: