MinIO App
Minio is a high performance S3 compatible Object Storage.
- Questions? Ask in the Cloudron Forum - Minio
- Minio Website
- Minio issue tracker
Admin credentials
To change admin credentials, use the File manager to edit
the variables MINIO_ROOT_USER
in /app/data/
export MINIO_ROOT_USER=superadmin
export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='Secr$et#pass'
Be sure to restart the app after making changes.
Default SSO Policy
By default, Cloudron users have readwrite
access policy. To change it:
- Create a policy by following Minio documentation
- Add the variable
using the File manager.
export MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_ROLE_POLICY="new-policy-name"
Be sure to restart the app and re-login for changes to take effect.
MinIO uses two domains:
Console domain - this domain is for accessing the MinIO console.
API Domain - this endpoint responds to S3 API requests. This is the domain that you need to put into various configs and tools like s3cmd. Only the domain name is needed, no port should be added.
In the screenshot below, you would use
as the console domain. You can login and view your files. The
is the API domain which responds to API requests.

Cloudron Backup
Cloudron supports backing up to minio. Backing up a Cloudron to a minio installed in another Cloudron will work fine. However, backing up a Cloudron to a minio installed in the very same Cloudron is not supported.
Custom configuration
Custom config variables can be exported in /app/data/
. This file is sourced automatically on startup.
Access keys
Access Key and Secret Key can be created in two ways in the Identity
- Create a user - The access key is the username and the corresponding secret key is the password.
- Create a service account - These are accounts with policies but cannot login to the MinIO dashboard.

MinIO supports multiple long term users in addition to default user created during server startup. New users have to added using the CLI tool. You can read the full docs here.
Configure CLI tool to point to your minio installation
mc alias set myminio minioadmin minioadmin --api s3v4
- Create a policy file
cat > getonly.json << EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Sid": ""
- Add the policy
mc admin policy add myminio getonly getonly.json
- Add new user
mc admin user add myminio newuser password123
- Set policy on user
mc admin policy set myminio getonly user=newuser