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Mautic App


Mautic a free and opensource marketing automation tool.

System cron jobs

Mautic often requires cron jobs to be triggered manually. The package comes with a a default cronjob template. This is saved in /app/data/crontab.system.

You can change the schedule and arguments of the cronjobs as desired using the File manager. Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.

To run a cron job manuall, open a Web terminal and run the job manually like so:

sudo -E -u www-data php /app/code/bin/console mautic:segments:update

Custom cron jobs

For cron support, app custom commands in the app's cron section.

The crontab contains a line like:

0,15,30,45 * * * *  sudo -E -u www-data php /app/code/app/console mautic:integration:fetchleads --integration=Hubspot


Mautic 5 supports sending emails via Symfony mailer. The following mailer packages are pre-installed:

  • symfony/amazon-mailer
  • symfony/mailgun-mailer
  • symfony/postmark-mailer
  • symfony/sendgrid-mailer
  • symfony/mailjet-mailer

Disable email auto-configuration

On Cloudron, mail settings are managed by the platform. By default, mautic will send messages via the built-in Cloudron Email Server. If you want to change the mail configuration to another mailer, you can either set it at the server level as an outbound relay or at the app level by disabling email configuration.

Clearing cache

To clear the cache, you can either delete /run/mautic/var/cache or you can run the following command using the Web terminal:

sudo -E -u www-data php /app/code/bin/console cache:clear


Admin password reset

To reset the admin user password, run the following command using the Web terminal:

set-admin-password <newstrongpassword>

Admin email reset

To set the admin user email, run the following command using the Web terminal:

set-admin-email <>