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Mattermost App


Mattermost is an open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative.


The config file is located at /app/data/config.json and can be edited using the File manager. Be sure to restart the app after making changes to the config file.

Command Line Tool

The Mattermost CLI tool can be used to administer user and team management tasks.

Starting Mattermost 6.0, the CLI tool has to installed locally on your Mac/PC. See the CLI docs for downloading the binaries.

Once installed, you can run mmctl like so:

$ /app/code/mmctl auth login --name myserver --username admin

  credentials for "myserver": "admin@" stored

You can then run commands like this mmctl team list etc.


In you want to migrate your existing non-Cloudron mattermost installation to Cloudron, do the following:

$ /path/to/mattermost export bulk --all-teams --attachments --archive
  • Install mattermost on Cloudron. By default, Cloudron uses the team edition of mattermost. Switch to Enterprise if required.

  • Then use the Web Terminal to first upload the above to the /tmp directory using the Upload button in the top of the Web terminal. Then, import it using the following command:

$ unzip /tmp/

$ mm_edition=team # can also be set to 'enterprise'

$ sudo -u cloudron /app/code/$mm_edition/bin/mattermost --config=/app/data/config.json import bulk --apply /tmp/import.jsonl --import-path /tmp/data


To switch to the Enterprise version of Mattermost, edit /app/data/edition.ini using the File manager and change edition=enterprise.

Be sure to restart the app after making any changes.