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Greenlight App


Greenlight is a really simple end-user interface for your BigBlueButton server.

Installing BigBlueButton

This app is intended to work alongside a BigBlueButton installation. Greenlight is the frontend which has Cloudron user authentication and the BigBlueButton install is the backend. BBB must be installed on a separate VM following the instructions in BigBlueButton documentation and bbb-install script documentation

To summarize the installation procedure:

  • Create a new 64-bit Ubuntu 20.04 server with a public IP and 4G of memory and 4 CPU. Note installation script does not work without these minimum requirements.
  • Configure the DNS to point to the public IP below.
  • Execute
wget -qO- | bash -s -- -w -v focal-270 -s -e
  • Install Greenlight on Cloudron.
  • Take the output of bbb-conf --secret on the BigBlueButton server and put these values to the following variables in /app/data/env of Greenlight using the File manager.
  • Restart the Greenlight app.

User management

Cloudron Directory

When Cloudron user management is enabled, only Cloudron users can login to greenlight, create and manage meetings. By default, Cloudron users have Administrator role permissions. This can be changed in Administrator Panel > Site Settings > Registration.

Without Cloudron SSO

When not using Cloudron authentication, there is an Administrator account created with the following credentials at the first run:

username: admin@cloudron.local
password: ChangeMe!321

Creating a new user with a role

To create a new User, open a Web terminal and run the following commands:

# Creating an admin
bundle exec rake admin:create["admin","admin@server.local","changeme"]

# Information
# bundle exec rake user:create["name","email","password","role"]

# Creating a user
bundle exec rake user:create["user","user@server.local","changeme","User"]