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Ampache App


Ampache is a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager. Allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.

Import Audio Files

Ampache works with audio catalogs. To import songs into Ampache:

  • Create a directory for it through the File Manager. For example create /app/data/catalogs/music. You can upload new audio files to this folder now or later.
  • Create a new catalog. You can do this by clicking the Admin icon (next to the gear icon).
  • Set the catalog type to local
  • Set the directory path /app/data/catalogs/music in the path text input
  • Trigger a catalog update via the ampache UI to update the catalog.


Use the Web terminal or the File Manager to edit custom configuration under /app/data/config/ampache.cfg.php. Full documentation is available here.

Playback issues

For larger audio files, ampache often needs more memory to play them. Unlike other php based apps, increasing the memory limit in php.ini will get overwritten. The correct file for ampache is /app/data/config/ampache.cfg.php:

memory_limit = 512M


Ampache CLI can be used to run various common management tasks. You can use the CLI using the Web terminal as follows:

    sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /app/code/bin/install/


Ampache has a lot of exciting features that are worth exploring further: